6th International Conference on Spirituality and Psychology [ICSP2021]
13th - 15th of March 2021 - VIRTUAL
ICSP2021 Panel discussions
REFRAME: Using Positive Psychology & Holistic Approach to Mental, Physical and Spiritual Wellbeing
Saturday, March 13th '21
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM UTC
FACEBOOK LIVE (SpiritualityConference)
Saturday, March 13th '21
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM UTC
FACEBOOK LIVE (SpiritualityConference)
REBUILD: Depression & COVID-19
Sunday, March 14th '21
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM UTC
FACEBOOK LIVE (SpiritualityConference)
Sunday, March 14th '21
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM UTC
FACEBOOK LIVE (SpiritualityConference)
RECONNECT: Reconnecting with Spiritual Self
Monday, March 15th '21
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM UTC
FACEBOOK LIVE (SpiritualityConference)
Monday, March 15th '21
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM UTC
FACEBOOK LIVE (SpiritualityConference)
Evolution of Consciousness: The Science of Neural Traits
Mr. KJ Lavan
KJ Lavan is an author/speaker whose book WHY Is Your Reason for Being has received the coveted endorsement of Deepak Chopra. He empowers individuals & employees to expand their experience so they live better & work happier. As a Behavioral Change expert, executive coach, & the creator of The GROW Method TM, KJ partners with corporations to elevate employee well-being & engagement by teaching inner skill development. His unique approach not only helps individuals engage their mindfulness, but also helps them understand the science of productivity, creativity, & happiness. He lives in Houston, TX and earned a B.A. from McNeese State University and an M.B.A. from Texas Southern University. His multifaceted career includes: - Wellness Expert: Certified Behavior Change Specialist Certified Nutritionist National Academy of Sports Medicine [NASM] Certified Fitness Trainer - Pharmaceutical Executive - Military Officer - Professional Athlete Considering the pandemic, KJ is available for virtual online & in-person seminars/training for the global community.
Spiritual Dimension in Health Promotion During COVID19 Pandemic
Dr. Mahesh Bhatt
Dr. Mahesh Bhatt is a Surgeon, Author, and Public Health Consultant practicing medicine for 23 years. He worked with various Government, No-Government, Academic, and Corporate organizations as a clinician, researcher, educator, administrator, and health systems management consultant for last two decades. Science and art of the spiritual dimension of health and its applications in public healthcare systems with its role in preventive, promotive, and curative health are the focus of his work for quite some time. Mahesh has published research papers, articles, and written a book on this subject in the last few years. He is a regular speaker on various national and international forums, seminars, and academic institutions, Dr. Bhatt is associated with multiple professional and academic associations. Website www.drmaheshbhatt.com
Reflection and Intention
Lynn Howard
Ever since Lynn Howard was little she knew she was different, her family and others around her knew as well. She entered the world with a strong inner knowing, spiritual awareness and other world compass that have guided her and supported her through her journey. An adventurous spirit, one who loves learning and experiencing different cultures, meeting new people and exploring oneself and what the world has to offer, Lynn became a full-time digital nomad in 2019 Entrepreneurship and Leadership runs through Lynn's veins. She has started and sold many businesses across the globe since her early 20’s, to leading global organizations as a COO which was in 26 countries, there is a passion that burns deep inside Lynn to be a change agent, a thought leader and to move the world forward.
A Critical Review on Therapist’s Use of Self in Building a Therapeutic Relationship
Shreyaa S. Murthy
Shreyaa S. Murthy is a budding clinical psychologist and an advocate for mental health. Her interests are psychotherapy and neuropsychology. She believes in a strength-based, cognitive-behavioral approach and strive towards providing individuals the required support to ease their distress, make them feel valued by being open to varied experiences, and create a safe space for them to explore various perspectives. Shreyaa is mostly inclined towards qualitative research, her research interests mainly revolve around understanding the role of common factors in influencing the outcome of psychotherapy.
Similarities and Differences of Clinical Depression and Dark Night of the Soul: A Systematic Review
Christian Khiel Unto
Christian Khiel Unto, RPm, is a registered psychometrician, researcher, and novelist. He is currently taking his master’s degree in psychology at Holy Angel University. He earned his bachelor’s degree from the same university with Latin honors, Summa Cum Laude. Furthermore, he was awarded the “Best Thesis”, “Outstanding Psychology Student”, and “Outstanding Scholar” titles during his undergraduate years. Most of his professional and literary works revolve with themes central to the Catholic faith and psychology. Occasionally, he also gives lectures and seminars on the aforementioned topics.
Humanistic Psychology Contra Neoliberal Ideology: Cultivating Individuation, Solidarity, and Emancipation at Work
Severin Hornung, PhD
Severin Hornung is Postdoctoral Assistant at the University of Innsbruck’s Institute of Psychology. Following studies in industrial engineering and management and social science of technology, he obtained his PhD in psychology from the Technical University of Munich. He has held academic positions and visiting appointments in Germany, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, and the United States. His research interests include the neoliberal transformation of work, organizations, and employment relationships; its implications for psychological wellbeing, health, and development; and, increasingly, the development, application, and proliferation of critical perspectives in organizational scholarship. He is an active member of the Future of Work and Organizational Psychology (FOWOP) movement and, together with his coauthor and colleague, Dr. Thomas Höge, is co-founder of the Innsbruck Group on Critical Research in Work and Organizational Psychology (I-CROP), dedicated to the study of issues of power, ideology, and subjectification, as well as resistance, solidarity, and emancipation at work.
The Relationship between Procrastination and the Big Five Model of Personality
for Southeast Asian College Students
Deki Choden Yezer
Deki Choden Yezer is a fresh psychology graduate from Webster University. She is very passionate about mental health in the Asian context and is an advocate for raising mental health awareness. Currently seeking opportunities for research work and for improving and expanding her knowledge on current topics in psychology.
Kim Barthel, OTR
Kim Barthel’s mission is to support the conscious evolution of the human spirit. An award-winning occupational therapist from Canada, Kim is a trans-disciplinary teacher and best-selling author who is actively supporting function and healing in many cultures. A pioneer in reinforcing the importance of relationship, Kim’s passionate interests include complex behavior, attachment, trauma-informed practice, sensory-processing and mental health.
Spiritual Recreation As A Means to Holistic Wealth
Shemine Gulamhusein, PhD [MacEwan University, Canada]
Shemine Gulamhusein, PhD is excited by interdisciplinary scholarship rooted in feminist, intersectional, therapeutic discourses. She is drawn to theories and research that respectfully honor the experiences of people and communities who are marginalized and minoritized, with a keen interest in the identities and practices of immigrants.
Her academic goals include contributing to the growing fields of research that explore the experiences of people of colour and to knit together the fields of therapeutic recreation, early childhood studies, public health, international studies, child and youth care, and spirituality. Shemine is currently teaching a mental health course for Child and Youth Care practitioners. She is also currently conducting research on how recreation, spirituality, and wellbeing are connected. Through preliminary review of data collected, the intersect of depression and covid-19 have been a focal point. |
Soul Loss in Survivors of Complex Trauma
Dr. Jacqueline Linder [City University, Canada]
Dr. Jacqueline Linder is a Canadian psychologist specializing in the treatment of trauma-related disorders. She is a professor of psychology and the national Director of City University’s Master of Counselling Programs in Alberta and British Columbia. She is internationally recognized as an expert in the psychological profiling of survivors of human trafficking and has lectured on psychological trauma in Canada, France, Egypt, Greece, Italy, Hungary, the UK, Guyana, and the Czech Republic.
Spirituality and Psychological Wellbeing among Elderly: Perceiving through Health and Residential Status
Dr. Ritu Singh [G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, India]
Dr. Ritu Singh is Associate Professor, Human Development and Family Studies at G.B.Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Uttarakhand, India. Her main area of research is early childhood care and education, adolescent development and family studies in the light of contemporary social and psychological issues viz. spirituality, distant relationships, romantic relationships etc. She has 77 research papers, 11 books/chapters in edited books and 03 course emodules as well as 09 national/state level research projects to her credit. Besides this, she has been conferred with 08 best research paper/national awards as well as 05 international fellowships. She also represents editorial board of 06 reputed international journals and is member of 12 professional societies and served as scientific committee member in 10 national/international conferences. Apart from this, she has participated in approx. 70 national/ international conferences and training programs and delivered 28 radio talks and 60 guest lectures in workshops/training programs and organized 03 workshops/training programs.
Spiritual distress and Palliative Care
Dr. Piyush Gupta [Cancer Aid Society, India]
Dr. Piyush Gupta BSc, PGDIRPM, LLB, MA, PhD Fellow National Cancer Institute USA Secretary Cancer Aid Society & National Association of Palliative Care for AYUSH & Integrative Medicine Over 3 decades of experience with NGO & Civil Society Movements. CEO Representative of Cancer Aid Society, in United Nations Economic and Social Council since 2012 and Registered Participant of World Health Organisation's Global Coordination Mechanism on Non Communicable Diseases. Represented Country in 2011 High Level Meeting on NCDs & 2014 Review Meeting at United Nations along with the Dialogues under WHO’s GCM/NCD in April and November 2015 at Geneva and several National & International Conferences. Received “Jewel of India” Award, Best Cancer Awareness NGO/ Program, Best NGO in Health Care, NGO Leadership Award, Best Award for Cancer Prevention, & many more for self and Organisation along with Cancer Prevention Fellowship from National Cancer Institute USA and International Scholarships.
Let Your Story Set You Free
Laura Reid [Storyforth, USA]
Laura Reid believes your voice and story are your superpowers. Having grown up with a stutter, paralyzing public speaking fear and social anxiety, she is now an unlikely Professional Speaker and Public Speaking Coach. But that’s what makes her uniquely aligned to help others overcome their fear, find their voice, and tell their most authentic stories. Laura has taken top honors in international speech contests, storytelling competitions and is a published writer. Her business, Storyforth, has helped countless entrepreneurs, non-profits and companies grow through the use of effective communication and storytelling. Laura also founded The Speakeasy School, where she creates virtual courses for improving public speaking. Most recently, Laura is co-hosting The Backstory Podcast where she interviews speakers, storytellers and leaders who are considered the best in the business. Laura lives on the Big Island of Hawaii and relishes natural beauty, isolation and adventure.
The Development of Gotong-royong (Mutual Assistance) Group Psychotherapy for Bullying Victims
Muhammad Azka Maulana [Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon, Indonesia]
Muhammad Azka Maulana is a lecturer, clinical child psychologist and researcher in the field of psychology. Currently, he is lecturing in early childhood education department on faculty of education at the University of Muhammadiyah Cirebon. In the other on that, he also provides the psychological services and psychotherapy for children with special needs to support his skills in handling cases on the field of psychology, especially for children. His favorite books are about psychology, philosophy, Islamic studies and social science to develop his perspective on working and living life.
Induced emotional empathy and Contextual factors like presence of others reduce the negative stereotypes towards persons with disabilities through stronger prosociality
Shailendra Kumar Mishra [Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Awadh University, India]
Shailendra Kumar Mishra is presently posted as Additional District Magistrate in Bhadohi (U.P), doing research works on strength of disabled people under "Mission Chetna". He has been awarded a state level award on world disable day on 3 December 2009. Shailendra presented research papers in international conferences: in Guadalajara, Mexico, organized by IACEP & in Hamberg , Germany organized by ISER. He is also a research scholar in Dr ram Manohar Lohiya Awadh University.
The role of Spirituality in the causes, treatment and prevention of diseases
Sean Clarke [Maharshi University of Spirituality, India]
Sean Clarke is the Editor of ssrf.org a leading spiritual research website. The website is devoted to publishing unique knowledge about the spiritual dimension and how it affects our lives. Sean has an MBA from the prestigious Monash Mt Eliza Business School in Melbourne, Australia and has worked as a strategy-analyst in dotcoms in Hong Kong and Australia. His desire to learn about the spiritual dimension led him to give up his career 15 years ago and live in the Spiritual Research Centre and Ashram in Goa, India. Here as part of the spiritual research team, he has been studying and researching various spiritual phenomena. In 2014, with the formation of Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay (Maharshi University of Spirituality), he joined the spiritual research team and is a part of the faculty for spiritual research workshops. He has been instrumental in preparing the research presentations for over 60 conferences worldwide.
"I was very frightened at this moment…"
What medical students want to share with their donors following the gross anatomy course
Julia Naumann [Germany]
Julia Naumann is an advanced medical student. The start of this research project was in 2019. Taking into account a bio-psycho-social model of medical education, the present study investigates medical students’ implicit feelings and thoughts during the celebrations, the differentiation of lived body and objectified body, and the spiritual aspects of anatomical education.
Social Cognition and Major Depressive Disorder in Nepal
Annusuya Ghimire [Webster University, Thailand]
Reciting Nine True Words from Falun Gong Helps People Cope with COVID-19
Dr. Margaret Trey [Sibu Books, USA]
Dr. Margaret Trey is a counselor by training, researcher, and author of two books on the effects of Falun Gong. She creates ripples—of hope and positivity—through speaking at events and international conferences, and through her writings on natural and holistic health. Dr. Yuhong Dong, principal researcher of this study, is a medical doctor with a Ph.D. in infectious diseases. She was a senior medical expert for antiviral drug development in Novartis Pharmaceutical in Switzerland. Dr. Dong is currently chief scientific officer at SunRegen Healthcare AG, Switzerland. Dr. Kai-Hsiung Hsu, a professor at the National Ilan University in Taiwan, is a co-researcher of this groundbreaking study. All three researchers have published papers on Falun Gong and are actively involved in research on the effects of Falun Gong on health and wellbeing.
Spiritual Awakening – A Personal Story
Greg Bahora [Centerpath, USA]
Greg Bahora’s a writer, public speaker, spiritual teacher, engineer, and man of nature. Following a spiritual awakening in 1998, his creative and mystical insights blossomed sparking a multidecade pursuit to better understand the very nature of reality. What emerged was his Centerpath philosophy—a new metaphysical understanding of being as well as the associated life practice entitled Centerlife. His comprehensive international travels and the analytic skills obtained from a background in mechanical engineering, ensure that his ideas are both holistic and objectively presented. His has written ten books covering multiple genres including metaphysics, new age spirituality, self-help, children’s books, and a management style book.
A Comparison of Emotion Regulation Strategies’ Effectiveness under Cognitive Fatigue
Sirinapa Churassamee [Chulalongkorn University, Thailand]
Sirinapa Churassamee is a researcher and data analyst working in Thailand. She holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Chulalongkorn University in Thailand (2013 - 2016), and is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Social Psychology there (2019 – present). As a master’s student, Sirinapa has an opportunity to assist in teaching Cognitive Psychology course at the university. She is passionate about human’s cognition and emotion and how they are interconnected. Her works focus widely on how individuals can cope with their negative emotions so that they will be less likely to have negative impact on individuals’ personal well-being and social relationships. She's also interested in utilizing physiological measurement such as skin conductance and EEG in psychological research.
Mindfulness and Self-Awareness: A Journey to Higher EQ
Sandy Lamb [Altitude Business Coaching, USA]
Sandy Lamb had a long career, spanning 27 years with a global, private Engineering/Construction firm and worked in several business lines across numerous functions ultimately landing in Program and Project Management. She believes in a world where all leaders model emotionally intelligent behavior to transform the way their teams collaborate and grow both personally and professionally. Through targeted executive coaching program, assessments and leadership development training, she inspires others to gain confidence in their God-given ability to influence through their authentic leadership style.
Sandy is a graduate from Johns Hopkins University with an MBA in International Business. She is chair for the Colorado Springs Regional Action Committee for the Women’s Foundation of Colorado, chair of 4Word Colorado Springs, a community for Christian women in the workplace, an international speaker and speaker coach for TedX. Sandy resides in Colorado Springs with her husband of 24 years, Michael and their three teenage children. |
The Structure of Illness Space: Video and Illness Experience as Spiritual Practice
Dr. Nicholas Quin Serenati [Flagler College, USA]
Dr. Nicholas Quin Serenati - As an interdisciplinary artist, Dr. Serenati employs an arts-based research methodology to explore the potential of narrative and spirituality in liminal spaces. With a practice rooted in locating one’s place, Dr. Serenati employs video, creative writing, photography, sound, and performance to investigate themes of trauma, identity (re)construction, illness, experimental narrative, sound and spirituality. Dr. Serenati resides in Saint Augustine, Florida where he teaches documentary and narrative filmmaking, film history and film theory at Flagler College. Additionally, Dr. Serenati serves as Director of Flagler College Television.
Reciting Nine True Words from Falun Gong Helps People Cope with COVID-19
Dr. Yuhong Dong [SunRegen Healthcare AG, Switzerland]
Dr. Yuhong Dong, the principal researcher of this study, is a medical doctor with a Ph.D. in infectious diseases. She was a senior medical expert for antiviral drug development in Novartis Pharmaceutical in Switzerland. Dr. Dong is currently the chief scientific officer at SunRegen Healthcare AG, Switzerland. Dr. Dong has wide research interests in both traditional pharmaceutical research and alternative medicinal modalities. Besides her pharmaceutical research, Dr. Dong and other scientists conducted “An observational cohort study on terminal cancer survivors practicing falun gong (FLG) in China”, which was presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) in 2016. She and other authors published a paper titled, "Case Report: A castration-resistant terminal prostate cancer patient’s survival prolonged after practicing Falun Gong" in the online journal F1000Research. Dr. Dong is committed to developing novel and integrative approaches to help improve the physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing of humanity.
Comparing and Contrasting Visionary Spiritual Experiences and Psychosis
Heather Costanzo [Webster University, Thailand]
Social Media Addiction Among Indian Young Adults During COVID-19
Sonia David [Department of Psychology, JAIN University, India]
Sonia David is a Psychological Counsellor in Schools and has worked as a Psychology Lecturer as well. She is pursuing her Ph.D. in Psychology and specializes in Expressive Arts Techniques. She is a certified Art Therapist and an Acceptance and Commitment Therapist. Her research activities include expressive arts therapies, person-centered and solution-focused therapy. She is also a published author, spoken poet and enjoys solo-travelling.
From Grieving to Grounding: Using earth as medicine to heal grief in the wake of COVID-19
Krista Nelson [USA]
Integration of Positive Psychology and Mindfulness to Boost Happiness in a Southeast Asian Context
Dr. Amoneeta Beckstein [Webster University, Thailand]
Dr. Amoneeta is a multicultural positive psychologist and an ethical influencer who advocates for positive mental health practices and policies. He conducts research, publishes academic journal articles, and teaches about positive psychology and boosting subjective happiness. He is a co-author of "The Vowels of Mindfulness: A Guidebook for Teachers, Parents, Counselors, and Caregivers" (under review). Besides using mindfulness in his personal life, he sometimes integrates mindfulness into his teaching, therapy, and service. He is particularly interested in how mindfulness can contribute to people’s happiness and inner peace. Dr. Amoneeta is committed to contributing to society’s growth, resilience, and life enhancement. Feel free to follow him on IG: Dr.Amoneeta
The Ideology of Transhumanism: A Vision of a Coming Utopia or an Impending Threat to Religion and Spirituality?
Marko Cajkovic [University of Belgrade, Serbia]
Marko was born in 1994. After finishing compulsory elementary education and high school, he enrolled into Faculty of Orthodox Theology of the University of Belgrade. His research interests are varied. The core of his research focuses on Friedrich Nietzsche and his philosophy in relation to Christianity, particularly existential Christian philosophy. of the 20th century. He is married and is a proud father of a four-year old.
Exploring The Link Between Self-compassion And Cognitive Reserve
Praharshini Kumar [Sir Parashurambhau College, India]
Praharshini Kumar is currently doing her post-graduation in psychology. She is inclined towards the field of positive psychology and is also a brain enthusiast. In her pastime, she reads books, writes poems & academic pieces on psychology. She is an avid researcher, a keen learner, and a gritty student.
Exploring The Link Between Self-Compassion And Cognitive Reserve
Divya Ahire [Fergusson College, India]
Divya is an aspiring Clinical Psychologist. She has completed her bachelor's in psychology from Fergusson College. She is also proficient in German. She runs her own blog and creates awareness about mental health and well-being. She is a very self-driven individual to take up this research project at such a young age.
The Three Truths I learned from Being Diagnosed as Terminal
Arliss Dudley-Cash [Soullutions LLC, USA]
Arliss Dudley-Cash has focused her career and self-development on supporting the success of entrepreneurs through her company Soullutions by Arliss. She believes in taking a more wholehearted approach to business management and success, and thus this is at the core of Arliss’s mission. Arliss has been working as a business manager, consultant and assistant for 4 years and is currently pursuing a Master’s in Business Administration. As part of the wholehearted approach, Arliss is also pursuing a Doctorate in Divinity. Her goal is to support individuals in caring for themselves as their first priority and choosing work that also supports selfcare. Arliss Dudley-Cash received her Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of California, Santa Cruz in Forensic Science, in 2007. Arliss taught at the University of California, Merced from 2007-2009. After working as a Sheriff’s Deputy Coroner in Stanislaus County, California for two years, she returned to graduate school at the University of Iowa to study Neuroscience. Arliss graduated with a Master’s Degree in Neuroscience in 2013.
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