28th - 30th of May 2020, Bali, Indonesia
28th - 30th of May 2020, Bali, Indonesia
Thursday - May 28, 2020
The Spiritual Path to Story
Laura Reid [Storyforth, USA]
Uncertainty often provides unexpected gifts. As we are all navigating new paths during this unanticipated time, our stories are more important than ever. When we begin to shed the layers of ourselves that are hiding our truest stories, we reveal long hidden truths. Our stories are our treasures and have the power to spread more empathy, compassion and tolerance into the world. But they are not meant for us to keep. They are meant to give away. The spiritual path to story is often filled with detours, road blocks and obstacles to navigate, but the important thing is not where you end up, but simply beginning the journey.
Laura Reid [Storyforth, USA]
Uncertainty often provides unexpected gifts. As we are all navigating new paths during this unanticipated time, our stories are more important than ever. When we begin to shed the layers of ourselves that are hiding our truest stories, we reveal long hidden truths. Our stories are our treasures and have the power to spread more empathy, compassion and tolerance into the world. But they are not meant for us to keep. They are meant to give away. The spiritual path to story is often filled with detours, road blocks and obstacles to navigate, but the important thing is not where you end up, but simply beginning the journey.
Reflection and Intention
Lynn Howard [USA]
Through this interactive talk you will explore what has been, decide what you want to keep and shed that which no longer serves you, while moving forward with a clearer path. We reflect to learn, connect the dots and take more responsibility for our actions and inactions. Moving forward with intention will allow your life to be more purposeful, directive and LIVED, if you allow it to be.
Lynn Howard [USA]
Through this interactive talk you will explore what has been, decide what you want to keep and shed that which no longer serves you, while moving forward with a clearer path. We reflect to learn, connect the dots and take more responsibility for our actions and inactions. Moving forward with intention will allow your life to be more purposeful, directive and LIVED, if you allow it to be.
The Reality You're In
Kim Crosbie [Netherlands]
Understanding the construct of reality is essential in being able to make transformations in one’s personal life and globally. Comprehending how beliefs shape our experiences and influence our behaviors is the path to authentic happiness and a better world.
My method of regression therapy helps to unravel personal negative beliefs. Acquiring self-awareness is key in learning how we construct reality with our thoughts and emotions. Developing focus attention is primordial in discovering our complex and intricate belief system. The use of psychedelic truffles (micro-dosing and psychedelic quantum leap sessions) permits to open the subconscious to better perceive our true selves.
The transformation of our personal negative beliefs re-shape not just our environment but also our mind, body and spirit. Self-love is recognized and practiced. Psychedelic drugs open the door to the connection to our Soul and All that Is (Source) to facilitate our spiritual journey within our world.
Becoming aware of how we shape our reality allows us to be positive, self-aware creators of the reality we live in and connect with others to transform the world we wish to experience.
Kim Crosbie [Netherlands]
Understanding the construct of reality is essential in being able to make transformations in one’s personal life and globally. Comprehending how beliefs shape our experiences and influence our behaviors is the path to authentic happiness and a better world.
My method of regression therapy helps to unravel personal negative beliefs. Acquiring self-awareness is key in learning how we construct reality with our thoughts and emotions. Developing focus attention is primordial in discovering our complex and intricate belief system. The use of psychedelic truffles (micro-dosing and psychedelic quantum leap sessions) permits to open the subconscious to better perceive our true selves.
The transformation of our personal negative beliefs re-shape not just our environment but also our mind, body and spirit. Self-love is recognized and practiced. Psychedelic drugs open the door to the connection to our Soul and All that Is (Source) to facilitate our spiritual journey within our world.
Becoming aware of how we shape our reality allows us to be positive, self-aware creators of the reality we live in and connect with others to transform the world we wish to experience.
The Promise of Paradise
Beth Misner [USA]
My talk will posit that we are each born with the imprint of paradise in our DNA. Throughout our entire lives, we know paradise when we experience it. There are many ways to think about paradise: sometimes we think about Paradise Lost, or we think about needing to reach paradise as if it is a future reality reserved for only a few. But do we ever consider that we hold paradise within ourselves? Paradise is not something that simply happens and we take note of it—it is something that radiates from within and the awareness of it is transmitted to others, expanding outward from our circles of influence. Paradise is here and now and is within everything that exists—imprinted in all of Creation. My talk will also offer the consideration that Christ consciousness is inherent in this DNA imprint, free of religious dogma, and holds the promise of Paradise—a promise for here and now, not only a future realization.
Beth Misner [USA]
My talk will posit that we are each born with the imprint of paradise in our DNA. Throughout our entire lives, we know paradise when we experience it. There are many ways to think about paradise: sometimes we think about Paradise Lost, or we think about needing to reach paradise as if it is a future reality reserved for only a few. But do we ever consider that we hold paradise within ourselves? Paradise is not something that simply happens and we take note of it—it is something that radiates from within and the awareness of it is transmitted to others, expanding outward from our circles of influence. Paradise is here and now and is within everything that exists—imprinted in all of Creation. My talk will also offer the consideration that Christ consciousness is inherent in this DNA imprint, free of religious dogma, and holds the promise of Paradise—a promise for here and now, not only a future realization.
Friday - May 29, 2020
Soul Loss in Survivors of Complex Trauma
Dr. Jacqueline Linder [City University, Canada]
Spirituality and religion have a powerful influence on the lives of millions of people around the world. Regardless of the faith they belong to, there can be no question that devotees’ spiritual beliefs and practices have a direct effect on their states of mind. Nevertheless, the natural complementarity between spirituality and psychology is typically ignored in Western mental health research. This presentation explores the concept of soul loss as a clinical concept. Data on the soul loss spectrum will be drawn from two original studies involving survivors of childhood sexual abuse and human trafficking.
Dr. Jacqueline Linder [City University, Canada]
Spirituality and religion have a powerful influence on the lives of millions of people around the world. Regardless of the faith they belong to, there can be no question that devotees’ spiritual beliefs and practices have a direct effect on their states of mind. Nevertheless, the natural complementarity between spirituality and psychology is typically ignored in Western mental health research. This presentation explores the concept of soul loss as a clinical concept. Data on the soul loss spectrum will be drawn from two original studies involving survivors of childhood sexual abuse and human trafficking.
A Qualitative Research on the Narratives of God in the Conversion Testimonies of the Recovering Drug Addics in Indonesia
Yosia Pratama Sebayang [Indonesia]
Recovering addicts in living the life of recovery need to achieve the state of abstinence in their live. To achieve that they need to perform the spiritual transformation in their life. The spiritual transformation that they perform should be able to understand as the life of conversion. in the process of conversion, they encounter God in their lives. Through this process of meeting God, we are going to look at the metaphorical form of God coming from the recovering addicts. In this research, we are going to perform it in qualitative base research. The study will be in the form of narrative testimonies from the recovering addict. In the narrative testimonies, we should be able to understand the meaning of conversion coming from the recovering addicts. Here we should be able to explore the depth of narrative testimonies from the recovering addict.
Yosia Pratama Sebayang [Indonesia]
Recovering addicts in living the life of recovery need to achieve the state of abstinence in their live. To achieve that they need to perform the spiritual transformation in their life. The spiritual transformation that they perform should be able to understand as the life of conversion. in the process of conversion, they encounter God in their lives. Through this process of meeting God, we are going to look at the metaphorical form of God coming from the recovering addicts. In this research, we are going to perform it in qualitative base research. The study will be in the form of narrative testimonies from the recovering addict. In the narrative testimonies, we should be able to understand the meaning of conversion coming from the recovering addicts. Here we should be able to explore the depth of narrative testimonies from the recovering addict.
Efficacy of the Cognitive-Spiritual Intervention Program in reducing the Depressive symptoms and enhancing the Psychological well-being of the selected young adults
Dr. Thomas Kuttiankal [University of Santo Tomas, Philippines]
This research study was to develop an effective, intervention program for young adults (18-25 years old) to help them to alleviate depressive symptoms and to enhance psychological well-being. The present study thematized and tested the intervention called Cognitive Spiritual Intervention Program (CSIP) on depressive symptoms. A total population of 350 participated in the assessment through questionnaires. The study’s two phases. Phase I: Development of the CSIP employing mixed method particularly sequential exploratory method and Phase II: Assessment of the efficacy of the CSIP employing true experimental research method, Pre-Post-Test Control group design. Result confirmed the effectiveness of intervention.
Dr. Thomas Kuttiankal [University of Santo Tomas, Philippines]
This research study was to develop an effective, intervention program for young adults (18-25 years old) to help them to alleviate depressive symptoms and to enhance psychological well-being. The present study thematized and tested the intervention called Cognitive Spiritual Intervention Program (CSIP) on depressive symptoms. A total population of 350 participated in the assessment through questionnaires. The study’s two phases. Phase I: Development of the CSIP employing mixed method particularly sequential exploratory method and Phase II: Assessment of the efficacy of the CSIP employing true experimental research method, Pre-Post-Test Control group design. Result confirmed the effectiveness of intervention.
Analysis of the Psychological Meanings, Origins, and Patterns in Spiritual Ideation and Practice in Uttarakhand Himalayas
Vineet Gairola [Ambedkar University, India]
In many cultures, ethnographers have attempted to theorize possession phenomena in a myriad of ways. In the land of Uttarakhand (one of the parts of the Central Himalayan region), an interesting meaning-making process and healing mechanism takes place. Some people get ‘possessed’ by a deity and shower blessings onto people who have gathered for a particular ritual like a pujā in a temple, where the deity is invoked through two drumming instruments played together named ḍhol-damauñ. There are rituals like jāgar “to awake” indigenous spirits and deities, devī-dolī (palanquin of the goddess) worship, which is carried on the shoulders of two people and is said to be tilting and shaking on its own. Ancient myths and symbols find expression through these rituals. The priest of the temples who are mediums of a particular deity often go to places which have a spiritual significance without conscious awareness and this is alluded to as ‘devī ki parikshā’—a test by the deity whether this person (priest) is capable of being the deity’s representative or not. On one hand, there is a lens of pathology—trance disorder and dissociation. On the other hand, there is healing which is taking place through them and they have their spiritual experiences. To explore this, the method of ethnography will be used and a substantial part of fieldwork would be carried out in Uttarakhand. Detailed analysis of rituals in temples of Himalayas will take us as much into mysticism as they take us into the unconscious.
Vineet Gairola [Ambedkar University, India]
In many cultures, ethnographers have attempted to theorize possession phenomena in a myriad of ways. In the land of Uttarakhand (one of the parts of the Central Himalayan region), an interesting meaning-making process and healing mechanism takes place. Some people get ‘possessed’ by a deity and shower blessings onto people who have gathered for a particular ritual like a pujā in a temple, where the deity is invoked through two drumming instruments played together named ḍhol-damauñ. There are rituals like jāgar “to awake” indigenous spirits and deities, devī-dolī (palanquin of the goddess) worship, which is carried on the shoulders of two people and is said to be tilting and shaking on its own. Ancient myths and symbols find expression through these rituals. The priest of the temples who are mediums of a particular deity often go to places which have a spiritual significance without conscious awareness and this is alluded to as ‘devī ki parikshā’—a test by the deity whether this person (priest) is capable of being the deity’s representative or not. On one hand, there is a lens of pathology—trance disorder and dissociation. On the other hand, there is healing which is taking place through them and they have their spiritual experiences. To explore this, the method of ethnography will be used and a substantial part of fieldwork would be carried out in Uttarakhand. Detailed analysis of rituals in temples of Himalayas will take us as much into mysticism as they take us into the unconscious.
Wildfire and Asylum: A Depth Eco-Psychological Approach to Backyard Pilgrimage
Prof. Jacob Kaminker [Associate Professor and Program Chair, John F Kennedy University, Licensed Clinical Psychologist. USA]
This paper explores the psycho-spiritual and psychotherapeutic value of the practice of pilgrimage, as it can be applied in daily life. Pilgrimage has historically been framed as requiring a spiritually-oriented retreat to a place of significance that is contrary to daily life (Turner & Turner, 1978). More recent literature has acknowledged that such practices are also beneficial when more integrated into daily life than had been previously framed, including Wigley (2016), who frames regular church attendance as a form of pilgrimage. In bringing these ideas into dialogue with the transformative and ego-diluting power of nature recognized in the literature of ecopsychology (Rozak, Gomes, and Kanner, 1995), active imagination and depth psychology (Jung, 1963/1989), and the concept of a mythopoetic re-emplacement described by Chalquist (2007; 2020) in the terrapsychology literature, we find a blueprint for meaning-making and psychospiritual transformation that can be integrated into regular practice.
Prof. Jacob Kaminker [Associate Professor and Program Chair, John F Kennedy University, Licensed Clinical Psychologist. USA]
This paper explores the psycho-spiritual and psychotherapeutic value of the practice of pilgrimage, as it can be applied in daily life. Pilgrimage has historically been framed as requiring a spiritually-oriented retreat to a place of significance that is contrary to daily life (Turner & Turner, 1978). More recent literature has acknowledged that such practices are also beneficial when more integrated into daily life than had been previously framed, including Wigley (2016), who frames regular church attendance as a form of pilgrimage. In bringing these ideas into dialogue with the transformative and ego-diluting power of nature recognized in the literature of ecopsychology (Rozak, Gomes, and Kanner, 1995), active imagination and depth psychology (Jung, 1963/1989), and the concept of a mythopoetic re-emplacement described by Chalquist (2007; 2020) in the terrapsychology literature, we find a blueprint for meaning-making and psychospiritual transformation that can be integrated into regular practice.
Spirituality and Spiritualism in the 21st Century
Dr. Mahesh Bhatt [VIBHA (Uttarakhand) India]
This presentation will focus on the new dimensions and paradigms in our understanding and definition of spirituality in 21st century because of scientific research and their impact on religious, philosophic, cultural, and social aspects of human life and future of species Homo sapiens with its challenges of survival. Humanity will face unique challenges in the 21st century with existential, ethical, and developmental issues, and interestingly religious and scientific thinking is creating complexities in dealing with them. We have seen this in the last century. So, this presentation will explore the human thought process and its ecosystem at the level of individual and collective humanity and the role of spiritual thought process in providing solutions of 21st-century problems like global warming, artificial intelligence, weapons of mass destruction, extremism etc. with health, happiness, and wellbeing with global peace.
Dr. Mahesh Bhatt [VIBHA (Uttarakhand) India]
This presentation will focus on the new dimensions and paradigms in our understanding and definition of spirituality in 21st century because of scientific research and their impact on religious, philosophic, cultural, and social aspects of human life and future of species Homo sapiens with its challenges of survival. Humanity will face unique challenges in the 21st century with existential, ethical, and developmental issues, and interestingly religious and scientific thinking is creating complexities in dealing with them. We have seen this in the last century. So, this presentation will explore the human thought process and its ecosystem at the level of individual and collective humanity and the role of spiritual thought process in providing solutions of 21st-century problems like global warming, artificial intelligence, weapons of mass destruction, extremism etc. with health, happiness, and wellbeing with global peace.
Saturday - May 30, 2020
Effect of Film Therapy on Body Image Dissatisfaction Among Adolescents
Sonia David [Jain University, India]
India is one of the largest cinema hubs in the world and most researches conducted in the field of films and entertainment mainly concerns with opinionated film reviews and the sociological perspectives of films on the general mass audience. The total revenue earned by the Indian film industry amounted up to 3.7 billion dollars in 2019. However, this research study aims at bridging the gap of psychological effects and aspects that concern with an individual’s emotional state and mental being with respect to watching films. This study is an Embedded Research Design which involves a pre-test, intervention and post- test, in that respective order. The author has carefully designed a Film Therapy Intervention Module which will be conducted in the form of individual counselling sessions for the adolescents who have attained a high score in the level of body image dissatisfaction through the administered questionnaire. Since Body Image concerns have also been rapidly rising with the months and years, adolescents and children are also being prey to the beauty industry which has proven to be a 75-million-dollar scam which only focusses on whitening products and ways to alter one’s appearances in different forms. Therefore, this study aims at understanding and determining the effect of film therapy on the level of body image dissatisfaction among Indian adolescents.
Sonia David [Jain University, India]
India is one of the largest cinema hubs in the world and most researches conducted in the field of films and entertainment mainly concerns with opinionated film reviews and the sociological perspectives of films on the general mass audience. The total revenue earned by the Indian film industry amounted up to 3.7 billion dollars in 2019. However, this research study aims at bridging the gap of psychological effects and aspects that concern with an individual’s emotional state and mental being with respect to watching films. This study is an Embedded Research Design which involves a pre-test, intervention and post- test, in that respective order. The author has carefully designed a Film Therapy Intervention Module which will be conducted in the form of individual counselling sessions for the adolescents who have attained a high score in the level of body image dissatisfaction through the administered questionnaire. Since Body Image concerns have also been rapidly rising with the months and years, adolescents and children are also being prey to the beauty industry which has proven to be a 75-million-dollar scam which only focusses on whitening products and ways to alter one’s appearances in different forms. Therefore, this study aims at understanding and determining the effect of film therapy on the level of body image dissatisfaction among Indian adolescents.
3 Ways to Live in a Body You Love and Find Peace
Michelle Melendez [Hawaii, USA]
Michelle Melendez is the founder of WomenBeingFit.com and has been a live in a body you love specialist and weight loss expert since 2009. She is the author of the double award winning and best-selling book, End Dieting Hell: How to find peace with your body and release the weight. Her specialty is helping women understand their emotional conditioned patterns that keep them stuck in a body they don’t love. When you struggle with low self-esteem it is not because of what you think. It’s because of what your heart and body are vibrating. The cells of your body vibrate at the frequency of your thoughts. If you think a thought long enough, your cells become conditioned to that frequency and will signals to the brain to think thoughts that release that conditioned frequency everyday. That is why you sabotage yourself and your life never changes. In order to have lasting change you must recognize the emotional frequencies your body is conditioned to and accept them as part of who you are. You do this by emotionally expanding toward peace and full self-acceptance of your life’s trauma. That is the journey of being human. When you create a higher emotional conditioned frequency in your body you evolve and experience your life in a new way. Your evolution helps the world evolve.
Michelle Melendez [Hawaii, USA]
Michelle Melendez is the founder of WomenBeingFit.com and has been a live in a body you love specialist and weight loss expert since 2009. She is the author of the double award winning and best-selling book, End Dieting Hell: How to find peace with your body and release the weight. Her specialty is helping women understand their emotional conditioned patterns that keep them stuck in a body they don’t love. When you struggle with low self-esteem it is not because of what you think. It’s because of what your heart and body are vibrating. The cells of your body vibrate at the frequency of your thoughts. If you think a thought long enough, your cells become conditioned to that frequency and will signals to the brain to think thoughts that release that conditioned frequency everyday. That is why you sabotage yourself and your life never changes. In order to have lasting change you must recognize the emotional frequencies your body is conditioned to and accept them as part of who you are. You do this by emotionally expanding toward peace and full self-acceptance of your life’s trauma. That is the journey of being human. When you create a higher emotional conditioned frequency in your body you evolve and experience your life in a new way. Your evolution helps the world evolve.
Yoga as a Means to Manage Stress, Resolve Trauma, and Build Resiliency
Chelsea Morriss [Waimea Yoga , USA]
Trauma is a fact of life. Most of us are walking around with some kind of trauma whether we know it or not. This trauma, if not resolved is held in the cells of our bodies and can manifest in a number of ways, making it difficult to live the life we have the potential to live. Through my own story I will illustrate how trauma has affected my life and how yoga and meditation has been my tool for deep inner work, healing, and lead me to the vibrant abundant life I now live. I will share stories of veterans suffering from PTSD and how iRest meditation has literally changed their lives in profound and measurable ways. Participants will experience the meditation and see for themselves the power it brings for healing.
Chelsea Morriss [Waimea Yoga , USA]
Trauma is a fact of life. Most of us are walking around with some kind of trauma whether we know it or not. This trauma, if not resolved is held in the cells of our bodies and can manifest in a number of ways, making it difficult to live the life we have the potential to live. Through my own story I will illustrate how trauma has affected my life and how yoga and meditation has been my tool for deep inner work, healing, and lead me to the vibrant abundant life I now live. I will share stories of veterans suffering from PTSD and how iRest meditation has literally changed their lives in profound and measurable ways. Participants will experience the meditation and see for themselves the power it brings for healing.
Where Love and Stillness Meet: The Art of Zenology
Chikako Hoshino Powers [USA]
Imagine if every decision you make was guided by a wisdom that assured you of the right path. What if we all had a deeper understanding and compassion for those in our lives and for ourselves? What if there was a practical guide to assist us? Is it possible to simply choose to be happy? These questions will be explored through the extraordinary insights gained through Zenology.
Zenology is based on ancient principals and the analytical study of world astrology and numerology. It works to reveal a person’s unique soul purpose, frequency and karma. Zenology’s mathematical foundation and methodology makes it accessible for everyone to learn and the results are surprisingly rapid.
Through compelling case studies, discussion and interactive exercises, we will experience how Zenology transforms lives in practical as well as profound ways. We will learn how to begin to use Zenology to impact our own lives for the better and in turn, positivity impact the lives of others. The most important relationships in our lives can be strengthened through awareness and understanding. As a result, a deep inner awareness and understanding of ourselves becomes stronger - and this is where love and stillness meet.
Chikako Hoshino Powers [USA]
Imagine if every decision you make was guided by a wisdom that assured you of the right path. What if we all had a deeper understanding and compassion for those in our lives and for ourselves? What if there was a practical guide to assist us? Is it possible to simply choose to be happy? These questions will be explored through the extraordinary insights gained through Zenology.
Zenology is based on ancient principals and the analytical study of world astrology and numerology. It works to reveal a person’s unique soul purpose, frequency and karma. Zenology’s mathematical foundation and methodology makes it accessible for everyone to learn and the results are surprisingly rapid.
Through compelling case studies, discussion and interactive exercises, we will experience how Zenology transforms lives in practical as well as profound ways. We will learn how to begin to use Zenology to impact our own lives for the better and in turn, positivity impact the lives of others. The most important relationships in our lives can be strengthened through awareness and understanding. As a result, a deep inner awareness and understanding of ourselves becomes stronger - and this is where love and stillness meet.
Thought Leadership: Embrace Your EQ
Sandy Lamb [Altitude Business Coaching, USA]
Emotional Intelligence is the ability to sense, understand and effectively apply the power and acumen of emotions to facilitate high levels of collaboration and productivity. This presentation will help you to learn how others see you versus how you see yourself and the impact of your choices on personal and professional success. We will explore the five dimensions of Emotional Quotient assessments and teach you some strategies to manage them effectively for the benefit of you and your organization.
Sandy Lamb [Altitude Business Coaching, USA]
Emotional Intelligence is the ability to sense, understand and effectively apply the power and acumen of emotions to facilitate high levels of collaboration and productivity. This presentation will help you to learn how others see you versus how you see yourself and the impact of your choices on personal and professional success. We will explore the five dimensions of Emotional Quotient assessments and teach you some strategies to manage them effectively for the benefit of you and your organization.
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